Reza Shouri, MD



Neurology, Epilepsy


The University of Memphis in Tennessee, University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center, University of Technology of Santiago School of Medicine



Reza Shouri, MD, is a former writer for Verywell Health covering epilepsy and seizure disorders. Dr. Shouri has always been fascinated with the structure and function of the human brain. While he has helped treat patients with neurological conditions such as epilepsy, his interests also lie in the origins and causes of epilepsy. His research examines gelastic epilepsy, a rare form of epilepsy characterized by uncontrollable laughter. He has published his research in the Journal of Neurology and is teaching neuroscience and physiology courses at Southwest Tennessee Community College in Memphis.


Dr. Shouri holds a BS in microbiology from The University of Memphis in Tennessee, an MS in microbiology from The University of Memphis, an MS in anatomy and neurobiology from the University of Tennessee Health Sciences Center in Memphis, Tennessee and an MD from the University of Technology of Santiago School of Medicine in Santiago.

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